• Always begin at the level recommended by your healthcare practitioner and follow the     warm-up and cool-down instructions 
  • Start with SIMPLE, SLOW, and SOFT music
  • Progress SLOWLY, practice at each level for 3- 5 days, if symptoms return go back to previous level
  • Supplement playing with mental practice, singing, and shadow playing
  • Avoid reaching for notes that strain the injured area, avoid forceful playing
  • Warm up before practice AND cool down/ice after practice
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Adapted From:

1. Butler K & Norris R (2011). Assessment and treatment principles for the upper extremities of instrumental musicians. In T. Skirven, L. Osterman, J. Fedorcyzk and P. Amadio (Ed.s). Rehabilitation of the hand (6th ed), 1855-1877).  2. Norris RN (1996) Return to play after Injury:  Strategies to Support a Musician’s Recovery. Work, Vol. 7:89-93.”